Solar Energy Leads That Convert Into Sales

The Future Of Solar Energy Leads

The rising energy costs, power outages, and uncertainties with electric power have made Solar Energy popular in recent times and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The U.S. Department of Energy's 2021 "Solar Futures Study" found that solar power could constitute up to 45% of the nation's energy by 2050.

Let's be frank with ourselves, buying generic leads for cold calling and mass email campaigns don't work anymore. You need quality leads but there are so many lead generation companies out there with different ways of capturing leads making it very difficult to know who to trust.

Buying cheap generic leads is like buying a lottery ticket. You might get lucky, but chances are you'll be wasting your time and money.

The time to get Exclusive Leads just for you ONLY.

How We Get Solar Leads

Getting qualified commercial and residential solar leads is much more work than paying for a billboard. A lot goes into the process, such as generating interest in your services or presenting your value proposition to convince solar prospects to choose you over another company.

We generate our Exclusive solar leads using paid ad networks, leveraging the power of Native Advertising, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and LinkedIn, just to name a few. We use prequalification surveys to make sure we are capturing leads who are looking for your service.

What We Need From You

You can't really engage with your potential customers if you don’t know who they are. Every solar lead generation campaign begins with building your customer persona. You have to know who you're targeting. It helps us to customize your needs.

To become an effective salesman, you need to understand what it’s like to be in your customer's shoes. Understand their pain, problems, fears, and concerns and carve a solution for them. Be a problem solver.

So take the time to think about who your ideal customer might be. Write down some examples of these buyer personas using demographic information such as age, gender, profession, income, homeowner, geolocation, and so on to get an idea of who they look like.

Once you get this figured out, it will give you a pretty good idea of who your dream customer is, whether you are looking to attract commercial solar leads or residential solar leads. Build us one so we can customize your campaign.

Get Our Exclusive Solar Leads Online Today

At Learnwithbaykes Consulting, we do things differently. Our lead gen experts can help your business get more qualified sales leads at affordable prices by using the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.

We verify all our leads to make sure they're truly looking for your service or product before we send them to you in real-time via your CRM or any method of delivery you prefer. We'd love to partner with your company to find, nurture, and convert high-quality solar energy leads.

Every business is different, so we have different solutions that can be customized for your business model and budget. Get in touch.

Why Work With US?

  • When we say EXCLUSIVE LEADS, we mean it - leads solely for you and ONLY you. We only do Shared Leads if client is okay with that option.
  • We value Trust and Honesty in business. Without it, no company can be successful. You can rest be assured you’re in safe hands.
  • Volume for leads won’t be an issue since we have access to a large connection of local lead generators, and we can scale to the moon if need be.
  • We have the Experience and Access to big Traffic networks and Publishers, so we know what works in the industry.
  • We know how to buy media from all platforms, and we specialize in Native and LinkedIn as well as Google and MSN.
  • No Long-Term Contracts – We go on a month-to-month basis. We believe in the quality of our leads so we know our clients will keep coming back for more..
  • We continue to work with you throughout this process and we nature your leads if you require this extra service.*

Get Our Exclusive Leads Online Today

At Learnwithbaykes Consulting, we do things differently. Our lead gen experts can help your business get more qualified sales leads at affordable prices by using the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.

We verify all our leads to make sure they're truly looking for your service or product before we send them to you in real-time via your CRM or any method of delivery you prefer. We'd love to partner with your company to find, nurture, and convert high-quality solar energy leads.

Every business is different, so we have different solutions that can be customized for your business model and budget. Get in touch.

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