Frequently Asked Questions

A lead is an individual or organization with an interest in what you are selling.
Is a lead only sent to one lead buyer. It has a high conversion ratio.
Is a lead that is sold to multiple customers. It has a low conversion ratio.
It depends on many factors like creating ad campaigns and testing but usually we start delivering in about 7 - 10 days.
We generate 100% Exclusive leads. We sell to only one client. This means no competition, giving you higher conversion rates.
Since we use surveys and other prequalification filters, our EXCLUSIVE leads have higher conversion ratios. Most of our clients report between 15% - 35% conversions if they follow our instructions.
Leads are usually sent to you in REAL-TIME, based on agreed time period, usually during client's working hours.
We deliver them via Email, CRM or any other mode you prefer. We recommend you invest in an affordable CRM tool if you don't have one. This gives transparency and makes everyone happy.
Nothing is guaranteed in this world except death. Lead might have shopped around before coming to us - it happens. This is why we advise clients to follow-up with leads when we transfer them in real-time (warm leads) to them.
There's a minimum order of 30 leads per order.
There's no setup fees for 50 leads or more per month. Anything below 50 leads per month will cost a one-time set-up fees. Please call for current rate.
No. This is a Pay-As-You-Go service. If for any reasons you want to stop the service, you can do so at any time.

Why Work With US?

  • When we say EXCLUSIVE LEADS, we mean it - leads solely for you and ONLY you. We only do Shared Leads if client is okay with that option.
  • We value Trust and Honesty in business. Without it, no company can be successful. You can rest be assured you’re in safe hands.
  • Volume for leads won’t be an issue since we have access to a large connection of local lead generators, and we can scale to the moon if need be.
  • We have the Experience and Access to big Traffic networks and Publishers, so we know what works in the industry.
  • We know how to buy media from all platforms, and we specialize in Native and LinkedIn as well as Google and MSN.
  • No Long-Term Contracts – We go on a month-to-month basis. We believe in the quality of our leads so we know our clients will keep coming back for more..
  • We continue to work with you throughout this process and we nature your leads if you require this extra service.*

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