Are Your Life Insurance Leads Converting Into Sales?

Exclusive Life Insurance Leads

Exclusive leads are a wonderful way to give your life insurance business the boost it needs. If you're struggling with generating new customers, or want an easier sale process - we can help!

We have highly talented specialists who will come up with creatives and strategies and make sure every option is exhausted so there's no excuse not to write new life insurance policies.

Let us focus on breaking down hurdles that might be holding back sales efforts while you do what you enjoy doing best - turning potential leads into clients.

Whether you are a first-time life insurance agent, or if your company has been around for decades - we have the right solution to help give it new life. We offer exclusive leads that will make all of those hard-earned dollars worthwhile!

Key Benefits Of Using Our Service

Real-Time Life Insurance Leads

What is the point of getting aged leads? Some people change their minds after deciding on something. The best time to contact them is when they're warm. This is why our leads convert a lot better than other providers.

Unlike Wholesalers who use easy strategies to get cheap low-quality leads, we combine state-of-the-art technologies to prequalify, verify lead's information and deliver them in real-time based on the agreed time of delivery.

Buy real-time leads to increase your bottom line.

Prequalified Life Insurance Leads

There's a reason why many leads purchased from Wholesalers or other providers are not good. This is due to the fact that, they use tricky incentives methods and simple forms to get information quickly so as to sell them. That's not a qualified lead.

We take our leads through vigorous survey questionnaire to make sure they're actually looking for insurance products. When a lead goes through this process, you know they're warm. This is what generates high converting leads.

High-Converting Life Insurance Leads

Exclusive, Real-time and Prequalified leads will always convert higher giving you a bang on your ROI.

Focus on the quality of the leads and the Lifetime Value of your customer, and not on the cost of the leads. Many insurance agents and companies are happy with us.

Become our partner and try us to see how we can grow your business. On the average, every $100 spent with us yields about $4000 for our clients over time.

Our Strategy of Acquiring Leads

Real-Time Life Insurance Leads With Robust Data Collection

We don't use incentivize strategies get lead's information. I believe that is even fraudulent to do so, and this method will only produce low quality leads. This is the number reason many insurance agents and companies do not have high closing ratios from such cheap wholesale leads. Don't throw your hard-earned money away.

Here at Learnwithbaykes Consulting, we use robust systems to gather information from leads who seriously need the best life insurance quotes and companies out there. This data collection process ensures we weed out people who are just browsing online checking things out. Our focus is to find the best life insurance leads for our life insurance agents and companies. Your success is the fuel to our business.

Since every client is different, we work with you to gather filters you will need for your use-case.

Below are some of the information we collect but not limited on our leads for life insurance;

  • Smoking Status
  • Drug Use
  • Marital Status
  • Major Health Issues
  • Occupation
  • Type of Insurance and Term
  • Coverage Amount
  • Weight (Body Mass Index, BMI)
  • Age
  • Geographical location

Why Work With US?

  • When we say EXCLUSIVE LEADS, we mean it - leads solely for you and ONLY you. We only do Shared Leads if client is okay with that option.
  • We value Trust and Honesty in business. Without it, no company can be successful. You can rest be assured you’re in safe hands.
  • Volume for leads won’t be an issue since we have access to a large connection of local lead generators, and we can scale to the moon if need be.
  • We have the Experience and Access to big Traffic networks and Publishers, so we know what works in the industry.
  • We know how to buy media from all platforms, and we specialize in Native and LinkedIn as well as Google and MSN.
  • No Long-Term Contracts – We go on a month-to-month basis. We believe in the quality of our leads so we know our clients will keep coming back for more..
  • We continue to work with you throughout this process and we nature your leads if you require this extra service.*

Get Our Exclusive Leads Online Today

At Learnwithbaykes Consulting, we do things differently. Our lead gen experts can help your business get more qualified sales leads at affordable prices by using the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.

We verify all our leads to make sure they're truly looking for your service or product before we send them to you in real-time via your CRM or any method of delivery you prefer. We'd love to partner with your company to find, nurture, and convert high-quality solar energy leads.

Every business is different, so we have different solutions that can be customized for your business model and budget. Get in touch.

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